





管理、沟通 & 艺术



什么风把你吹来了?  你为什么选择它?

My high school principal went to Marist, and he said it would be a great fit for me, so I took a chance and applied.  Then I visited with my mom and absolutely loved the campus.  The people I’ve met and the great relationships I’ve built have kept me here ever since.

Describe your Marist experience so far, both academics and extracurricular activities.

I came in undeclared, so I participated in the FOCUS program.  It was hard choosing between communication and business, but I felt like my personality fits business more.  I like developing business plans.  同时, I think it’s important to be well rounded, so that’s why I chose a minor in advertising.  Advertising has a big influence on marketing, after all.

我喜欢忙碌, 所以在课堂之外, I have tried lots of things and gotten very involved.  I have also benefited from great mentoring, both from my peers and from staff members.  When I interviewed for the 校园 Ministry board, my interviewer was Samantha Leenas ’17.  She and others provided such a strong network of support.  事实上, Sam got me my first job working for [Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communication] Sean Kaylor, and I became a School of 管理 ambassador because of her.  今年, I’m serving as head of the annual Giving Tree project, and I’m paying it forward by mentoring the three sophomores who are working with me.  I also did mentoring for First Year Programs and the School of 管理, and I help with FOCUS student interviewing.  I’ve also been very grateful for the guidance of [Director of 校园 Ministry] Brother Frank Kelly.

You recently attended a School of 管理 Career Trek in 纽约 City.  那是什么感觉??

非常棒.  We spent a day in 纽约 City meeting with executives at different companies.  我在做市场营销, so we met with two Marist alumni at SONY Music and an alumnus at Viacom.  索尼的, 我们听到了公司概况, as well as a presentation on internship opportunities, 面试技巧, 建立你的简历.  在亚马逊广告, we participated in roundtable discussions with employees who talked about their experiences and gave us professional advice.  One of the women we met with at Amazon has two kids who went to Marist, so there were so many Marist connections!  The day ended with an alumni reception, where we could mix and mingle with professionals in the field.

Are there specific faculty members who have really had an impact on you?

I work closely with [Professor of 管理 and Associate Dean for 本科 Programs] Joanne Gavin.  I help her with the logistics of planning and overseeing School of 管理 tours, 午餐, 和职业之旅.  She’s been a big influence on me ever since I was a student on her short-term study program to Greece.

Tell me about your internships.

Between my sophomore and junior years, I interned at Save the Children in Fairfield, Connecticut.  The area I worked in was individual philanthropy of $10,000元及以上, and I worked on stewardship and mailings.  I had the chance to attend seminars and 午餐, and I learned so much about non-profits!  刚刚过去的这个夏天, I lived in 纽约 City and was a digital marketing intern at McGraw Hill Education, 出版教科书.  I learned all about search engine optimization and was responsible for website imagery, 元描述和标记, 社交倾听.  McGraw Hill’s offices are right above Madison Square Garden, so I was in the middle of everything.  I loved living in 纽约 City, and there are so many Marist students and alumni living there. 

What do you want to do after graduation?

I would definitely like to live and work in 纽约 City, but I’m open in terms of the type of company I’d like to work for.  Someday, I think I’d like to follow in my dad’s footsteps and open my own business.

Do you have any advice for prospective students?

Talk to everyone, ask questions, and always smile.  Also, don’t be afraid to approach your professors because they’re your greatest asset.  Find a way to stay organized – I actually use a pen-and-paper calendar.  Seek out experiences and remember that there’s always something to learn.
